Realised too late that my shaking finger
(side effect of 40 years of Mind Balancing Medication)
had pressed the PUBLISH button twice!!
Two Blogs on one day!! Exhausting!!
"Merde," as they say in French. (Google Translate).
Oh well.... "Tant pis,"as they say in French - (Ditto).
So, take a rest from reading this week.
Enjoy the sight of the first new life at Ally Pally lake,
twin Egyptian goslings.
Next week's blog, exhaustion of a different kind.
'Enfin la Finlande',
'Finally Finland'.
love Pen
PS . I appreciate that although you are my family and closest friends, not everyone enjoys reading from a screen, and possibly view the arrival of excessive weekly words in your email as an annoyance. Do let me know, send an email and I'll release you from my list. Thanks.
PPS. Today met a Rescue Dog recently arrived from Egypt, a friendly, well-disciplined Golden Retriever. Apparently there are now many similar house-trained dogs roaming the streets in Egypt. Why?? Maybe their owners can no longer afford to feed them.
A Dog Rescue Charity finds them, gives them a health check, a passport and transport to England where they're sold on line, currently, for about £3,000.